Technique and meaningfulness of actions are at the forefront

  • We instill a love of working with the ball, ease of execution of technical elements.
  • We encourage experimentation, attacking style, playing, non-standard solutions. We create an atmosphere in which players are not afraid to make mistakes.
  • We teach our students to control the ball and to take always the initiative, not to turn over the ball, quickly return it to yourself.
  • Football players should understand why they perform certain actions. In training, we develop football intelligence, quick thinking, and the ability to make decisions in advance.

Diligence and character are an integral part of success

  • We encourage hard work and patience. We teach that great achievements come through overcoming difficulties.
  • The players should be enthusiastic, also they should be involved in the life of the club and in football, there should be passion for sport.
  • We develop the quick response to an episode, the ability to switch quickly, move from attack to defense and vice versa, quickly move into press. The player must be fast, but at the same time economical and mobile.

Creating a team of friends

  • We develop communication skills, the ability to communicate and work in a team. We teach each other to be friends and support each other.
  • We strive for discipline and effective classes not by shouting, but by engaging in the training process.
  • We teach the right attitude to victories and defeats, develop emotional intelligence.